Take time to genuinely just play ‼️

Jumping on the trampoline, Going on Wonderland ride 🎡 Dance on a disco stage, Stimulate imagination, Pure laughter 🤭 Fore-Play ❤️‍🔥 and the list go on.

What matters most is finding playful things that brings a smile to your face 😃 Fun activities that can bring joy, happiness and reset your mental wellness. Having a positive attitude will maintain young at heart and may help slow the physical and mental aging process 🧬 Be young at heart

The power of play is essential for self-care and soul-care. There’s no reason to live a life of all work and no play. Without play, you’re missing out on discover the magic around us 🪄 missing the ways to lengthen and deepen your time on this beautiful earth 🌏 Embrace your inner child 👧🏼 👦🏼

Anywhere everywhere! Anything anyhow! just dance!

Francesca Giacomini