Learn how to FRONT SPLITS!!!


Thinking this move is only for ballerinas and gymnasts? Think again. Eventually, with consistent practice and the right combo of flexibility exercises, everyone can perform some sort of a split.

The period of time needed to achieve a full split differs from person to person depending on how flexible you are, your overall fitness and range of motion. But remember that as long as you’re moving in the right direction, you’re already improving. YES! Set your mind into your goal and manifest your reality.

Mastering the splits can boost your confidence and bring you a ton of essential health benefits:

•       Open the Hip Flexors

•       Increase Joint mobility

•       Improve blood flows

•       Keeps you young

The key to getting your splits is consistency. Start to praticse 10 min per day, everyday… adjust the intensity, go deeper and deeper as you become more flexible.

Pay attention to nutrition. Choose healthy, anti-inflammatory foods and stay hydrated to keep your bones, connective and muscle tissues healthy and lubricated.

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds , up to 1minute and perform all stretches on both sides to maintain balanced flexibility. While you stretch keep focus, to avoid injury. Use deep body awarness.

Trust me, in no time, you will be ready for your FULL FRONTAL SPLITS.

Francesca Giacomini